Work work work!

Work work work!

For real, for real, for real this time

Written by Herick Acosta

Edit by Cindy Quintero

The past couple of weeks I’ve been grateful to be full of work and I am thankful to all of the people that have requested a quote, ordered a creation, shared one of my projects, or liked any of my social media pages.

It has only been 2 months since I left my nine to five job to pursue my dream of designing and creating, and thanks to all of the help I’ve been getting from my family, girlfriend, and friends, Creacionha has been growing at a constant rate!

I’ve been a little bit distant from the writing department thanks to all of the creative endeavors that have reached my door which is ultimately thanks to all of you guys who have supported my passion. I wanted to get back into writing with this thank you note dedicated to all of you that are out there supporting my project and helping Creacionha to shift from an idea to a real business.

When I was in high school I was a really big fan of writing poems and one day I wrote a poem that expressed that ideas don’t exist up until you translate them into the real world. For me, this meant that all thoughts stay as thoughts unless you do something about them.

I mention this because about 8 months ago I talked to a friend of mine who has a dried meat business and he told me to start following my passion with what I had and stop thinking that I needed more to be able to do something. Immediately after that, I started to do a woodworking project every weekend for about 3 months, after that I took a deep dive into the world of CAD and CAM, bought a CNC router machine, went to therapy, created my website, and quitted my job.

Creacionha was born as a platform to share my creative nature to others with the mid-term goal of making it a business model. Thanks to all of your support I am closer every day to achieve this and I am infinitely grateful to you guys. I know there might be one of you out there that has an idea of something you want to start but don’t know how or when to start it, don’t panic, I can safely say most of the entrepreneurs out there started having the same feeling. I am no expert nor a success story (yet) but I can tell you two things that might help:

  • Stop thinking you don’t have the right things for what you want to do and start doing what you like with what you have.
  • The best moment to start something was yesterday.

Thank you again for all of the support and remember that Creacionha is not limited to woodworking projects and soon we will be launching some other interesting creations, so don’t forget to follow Creacionha to be up to date on the project!

Extra thank you doggy picture for you guys that read all the way to here!

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