Home Improvement Time

Home Improvement Time

I know I left you hanging, but I’m a right my wrongs

By Herick Acosta

Before COVID-19 most of us spent a big part of our time out of our home (work, leisure, and exercise) and that made it easy to postpone improvements or even needs in our house. I bet in every one of your houses some improvement was made, ranging from a quick patio tune-up to even a whole room remodel.

Taking the time to acknowledge our spaces and figuring out what can improve them has been something a lot of people in Mexicali (my beautiful town) have done and thankfully some of those needs be fulfilled with a little help of design and woodworking.

The first trend was bed frames which might not seem too obvious but it makes sense. Mattresses are an expensive necessity and a lot of people just use the box spring that comes with their purchase or even reuse some bedframe that was passed on by a relative. This is perfectly fine for your daily 9 to 5 routine but once you realize that having a proper frame that fits your needs will improve your space and even your comfort, its when you make it a priority.

Thanks to this the Ninja Bed Frame was created. A simple structure with a slick look that can elevate your room by having it at your desired height (specified by the customer) and utilizing the space below your bed for storage. Solid pine wood frame makes for a sturdy bed with no wobble that will last you for years to come.

Organizers have also been a big hit due to obvious reasons, we all have a little mess we would like to fix, and what better than something just for us and that space. Below you can find a couple of my favorite projects that fit this category.

My personal favorite is the Mena Bookshelf which is kind of a conventional-looking piece with a twist, angles. Angles tend to make objects more interesting and for a bookshelf, this helps emphasize the books in it and eliminates the repetitive library look.

Last but not least, the best selling product so far has been the beautiful Buró Haus. This creation intended to complement a client’s room by adding a bedside table to it and it seems that this translated very well in the community.

The mid-modern/Scandinavian look of this side table turned out to be very pleasing. This all started with the Scandinavian tapper legs look that is very popular at the moment and ended up with some elegant mid-modern top. The key features for sure are the chamfered sides and legs which I ended up liking a lot and used in a bunch of other creations.

To wrap this up I would like to thank all of my clients and invite all of the potential ones to contact me, I am sure I can help you with something that you need.

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